1 file National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Visitor Services: Condolence book for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
1 file National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Visitor Services: Condolence book for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Original copy of the NME containing a feature on the unseen notebooks of Ian Curtis, with the title "A personal journey into the mind of a troubled genius". NME magazine
Folder of scans of posters and artwork kept by Ian Curtis for Warsaw/Joy Division gigs. Posters and artwork for Warsaw and Joy Division gigs
Folder containing typescript copies of Joy Division song lyrics, for "So This is Permanence". Joy Division song lyrics
1 item Greenbuild Awards 2013: Award won Workplace Newbuild 2013 for Hemcrete Museum Store, Wroughton, Science Museum. Invite to awards: 8th May 2013, Midland Hotel, Manchester
1 drawing National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: National Railway Museum: Consolidation Scheme - Proposed Entrance Building; Tunnel Update; Disabled Lift; Temporary Covered Walkway
Folder containing photocopies of Joy Division song lyrics taken from Ian Curtis's notebooks. Joy Division song lyrics